Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.113
Clinical trials code: 01
Associate Professor, Department of Educational sciences, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran ,
Abstract: (509 Views)
Background & Aims: Today, individuals, organizations, and countries are more successful and have been able to create value and benefit from technical knowledge and technology to achieve prosperity and wealth. Scientists believe that technical knowledge and technology will not turn into wealth, prosperity, and economic profit, except with the existence of value-creating, entrepreneurial, and creative people who, with creativity and innovation, destroy the previous inefficient ways and create new ways. Value creation is not given much attention and very limited researches have been done in this field. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the psychological components of developing value-creating managers in secondary school
Methods: In conducting this research, a mixed research design (qualitative-quantitative) of exploratory type was used. In the qualitative part, with the help of semi-structured interviews with 14 experts and experts, academic faculty members in the field of management and experts in the field of education managers, based on purposeful interview sampling and psychological codes and components The effect on the training of value-creating managers was calculated and a questionnaire was created, designed and distributed among 321 experts and experts, faculty members in the field of management and experts in the field of education managers in a simple random manner. The method of collecting data and information in this research was library and field method (interview and questionnaire). Semi-structured or semi-open interview method was used to collect data in this research. This method includes a set of semi-open questions to be asked during the interview, the semi-openness of which allows the main lines of the interview and its purpose to be preserved, as well as opportunities for interviewers and participants. In the research, it is provided to discuss the details of questions and questions. This research has an interview checklist that was approved by 3 members of the academic staff in the field of educational management. Interviews are conducted in person and by telephone with the participants. In order to analyze the interviews, every interview that was conducted was immediately analyzed and then entered into a new interview, until saturation was reached. Data analysis was done with factor analysis methods and path analysis models using SPSS and LISREL software.
Results: The values of the factor load and the t value are equal to 0.926, which indicates that the positive relationship is aligned with the variables. The index of the combined reliability coefficient was 0.795, which shows the appropriate internal stability for the measurement model. The value of convergent validity is 0.943, which shows the appropriate convergent validity. The fit index is 0.369, which is strong and favorable. The description of the basic themes of the psychological components was presented in Table No. 2. The values of Table 2 indicate that the average of all the basic themes, the psychological components of cultivating value-creating school principals is higher than the average or the expected average, in other words, the amount of each of the basic themes in the statistical sample of the research is higher than the average estimate. It can be the value of the standard deviation index related to each of these themes represents the minimal dispersion of the data related to these themes from the average index. The negative value of the skewness index of these themes indicates the tendency of the scores related to these themes to be higher than the average and the positive value of the skewness index indicates the distribution of data related to these themes in the statistical sample of the research. Factor load values and t value in Table 3, the positive relationship indicates the alignment of the variables and their negativity indicates the reverse of the relationship, which is positive here for 0.926. Also, the t values between items and variables should be more than the borderline limit of 1.96, indicating the confirmation of the relationship between the items and the underlying variables, which is equal to 108.687. Examining the composite reliability coefficient index to check the internal consistency of the measurement model, if its value is greater than 0.7, it indicates the appropriate internal stability for the measurement model, which here is 0.795, which is related to adequate reliability. Convergent validity, simply put, this index shows the degree of correlation of a structure with its indicators.
Conclusion: In a general statement, it can be stated that in the psychological dimension, the spirit of seeking success has the highest priority flexibility has the lowest priority, and psychological components are effective in training value-creating managers. Value creation in managers is competence, which indicates their adherence to the centrality of customers and internal and external stakeholders in all future activities; They engineer it in such a way that the needs and demands of customers and internal and external stakeholders are satisfied, non-value-creating activities are eliminated, and a chain of activities and processes is formed that starts with customers. The beneficiaries and its end is to their satisfaction and satisfaction, they are customer-oriented and consider internal and external stakeholders as a strategic asset and to maintain this asset, they always create a win-win relationship. The selection and appointment of managers cannot be limited to the possession of scientific and experimental abilities, but the possession of special competencies is considered a more complete approach and criterion to be effective in the changing and unpredictable conditions of the future. , act effectively and flexibly, the basic characteristics that enable managers to perform their duties well. Therefore, with these changes, managers with Frost determine and explain the goals and missions of the organization in the long term so that they can achieve their plans. Therefore, being a leader in planning is an inevitable necessity for managers.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry