Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 520-528 | Back to browse issues page

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Naimi S, Minaei A, Niusha B. The Predicting Mathematic Self Efficacy with Self-Regulation Strategies Among Students of Saveh City. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :520-528
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8132-en.html
Associated Professor, Department of Psychology, Allame Tabataba'i, Tehran, Iran , asghar.minaei@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (500 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the challenges for middle school students is learning mathematics. Researches show that due to the complex nature of mathematics, using effective and efficient self-regulation learning strategies and having motivation is related to success in mathematics. Measuring self-regulated learning is one of the research fields that play a key role both in developing theory and for intervention. Historically, the tools used to measure self-regulated learning rely on researchers' conceptualizations of self-regulated learning as a construct and have been used to expand theories. To measure self-regulated learning, various tools and methods have been used, such as structured interviews, self-report questionnaires, as well as direct measurement of students' behaviors, such as behavioral effects and observing behaviors. To measure self-regulation, several self-report questionnaires have been created, among which we can refer to the self-regulation questionnaire, self-regulation questionnaire, motivational strategies questionnaire for learning, academic self-regulation learning scale, and teacher scoring scale of self-regulation strategy list. All these questionnaires, except the self-regulation strategy list questionnaire, have been translated into Farsi and their psychometric properties have been studied. Self-report questionnaires are considered to be the most widely used tools for measuring self-regulated learning and have many benefits such as ease and low cost of design, implementation, and scoring, and they allow students to report their thoughts and motivational thoughts that are not visible to others. Mathematics requires solving multi-stage problems, learning different strategies, and using concepts correctly. For example, students who have high progress in mathematics often use self-regulated learning strategies effectively and efficiently when learning different theories and applying ideas, while students who have poor progress in Mathematics students use these strategies to a lesser extent. Learning strategies and self-regulation are some of the most important factors influencing the quality of learning. The purpose of this study was to predict math self-efficacy based on self-regulation processes and determine the convergent validity of the self-regulation learning strategies questionnaire with the math self-efficacy source scale?
Methods: This research is a descriptive cross-sectional and correlational survey. After approving the proposal and receiving the implementation license from the university and coordination with the Education Department of Saveh City, 610 students (317 girls and 293 boys) of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades of the first secondary school online and by sampling method in Available were selected. To collect data, study questionnaires were first uploaded to Google Docs; then their link was provided to the school officials, and with their help, it was provided to the participants. In the end, after completing the number of samples to the appropriate extent, the data collection was stopped. To maintain confidentiality, the students were assured that the information obtained from the research would be analyzed as a group and that their individual information would remain completely confidential. At the end of the data analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used, which were analyzed in the SPSS software environment.
Results: The results showed that self-regulation was a predictor of students' mathematical self-efficacy (p=0.05, β=0.76). Also, the self-regulation questionnaire had a convergence validity of 0.874 with the mathematical self-efficacy questionnaire. The coefficients of recognition power indicate that all the items of the questionnaire on self-efficacy strategies have good and high recognition power because most of the correlation coefficients of the item-total score are above 0.40 and the highest recognition coefficient is related to item 24 and the lowest recognition coefficient is related to items 15 and 22. The correlation between students' scores in the self-regulation questionnaire and its subscales with their scores in the math self-efficacy questionnaire showed that all coefficients are statistically significant at the alpha level of 0.01, which indicates the convergent validity of the self-regulation questionnaire.
Conclusion: Therefore, according to the findings of the research, it can be said that students who use more self-regulated learning strategies have a higher sense of mathematical self-efficacy and vice versa; That is, students who use little self-regulated learning strategies have a lower sense of self-efficacy in mathematics and do not consider themselves competent and competent in terms of mathematics. The feeling of self-efficacy increases the student's self-confidence and interest in studying. Increasing self-confidence and interest in the lesson makes the student try to use all the available methods and facilities to learn mathematics. It makes the student try to act independently in learning mathematics.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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