Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 248-256 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.078
Clinical trials code: 01

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Esmaeili Seraji M J, Sina K, Enayati T. Designing a Model for the Implementation of Health Policies of the Administrative System with an Emphasis on Conflict of Interest Management. RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :248-256
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8061-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities , Imam Mohammad Baqer (AS) Technical College Sari, Technical and Vocational University ,sari, Iran , sinakaram@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (612 Views)
Background & Aims: A healthy organization stabilizes work processes and improves the physical, mental, and social condition of employees, which leads to superior efficiency and performance. On the other hand, the health of the administrative system is one of the main challenges of the administration of public affairs in developing countries, and it has attracted the attention of many public policy experts and researchers. Public issues such as administrative health affect public opinion, public trust, the authority of rulers, and the legitimacy of the system, and in addition to international events, domestic surveys show that the public perception of administrative health in Iran is not very favorable. During the last few years, anti-corruption programs in Iran have mainly focused on reforming public administration and managing public finances, but these programs have not been very effective, and in the opinion of intellectuals and even the general public, administrative corruption In Iran, it has increased more than before. The concept of corruption in the administrative system is the actions of government officials and agents that are carried out with the aim of gaining private interests and harming public interests. It can be said that the cause of all these corruptions is the emergence of situations of conflict of interest. This means that a person or an organization is placed in a position where there is a conflict between personal interests and social interests. If in these situations the choice of a person or organization is towards their own interests, corruption will occur. Therefore, in order to prevent corruption, we must eliminate or reduce the positions of conflict of interest, because we cannot expect all members of the society who are in a position of conflict of interest to take the right action. Although the title of conflict of interest is less common in society, this issue is present in people's life and it is unlikely that one can find an example of corruption where conflict of interest is not its background and introduction. The corruption that we are continuously facing and its repetition have caused destructive economic and social effects. On the other hand, nowadays most healthcare organizations are facing a chaotic environment. Therefore, these organizations have sought to adopt efficient policies to deal with environmental disturbance. The health system faces many demands in the field of financing and coverage of health services, and policymaking in this area has an important impact on the costs and successes or failures of the health system. Adopting effective policies in the field of health can be a way to deal with the challenge in this field. Iran's health system, like other countries, has faced challenges. For example, the health system transformation plan is one of the measures that was specially presented to reduce the expenses paid out of people's pockets, which has also had problems. On the other hand, the concepts of conflict of interest and the health of the administrative system are related to each other, and the vulnerability factor of the concept of administrative health will increase in the context of a conflict of interest situation. Therefore, the main question of the current research is: What is the appropriate model for implementing the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on conflict of interest management in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences?
Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of survey type. Its statistical population was made up of 434 members of the academic staff of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, of which 204 people were selected as a sample using the stratified random sampling method based on Karjesi and Morgan's table. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire with 55 questions was used. The validity and reliability of the instruments were confirmed. A structural equation test was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that; Structural and strategic dimensions play a significant role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with emphasis on conflict of interest management in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, and the strategic dimension has the most role and the structural dimension has the least role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with Emphasis on conflict of interest management. Also, in the structural dimension, the infrastructure component, and the strategic dimension, the cultural component has the greatest role in implementing the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on conflict of interest management.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the concepts of conflict of interest and the health of the administrative system are related to each other and the vulnerability factor of the concept of administrative health will increase in the context of a conflict of interest situation. This finding with the results of strategic dimension researches with the components of culture building, strategic vision, planning, and training respectively play a role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on the management of conflict of interest, which is the component of culture building. has the most important role. The structural dimension with infrastructures, appropriate structure and human resources respectively play a role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on the management of conflict of interest, where the infrastructure component plays the biggest role. In explaining this finding, it can be said; One of the influencing variables on the policy implementation process is the structural variable, which is a self-confirmation of the present research findings. According to the findings of the research, it is suggested that the university officials insure the organization against corruption by employing competent, competent, committed, responsible, and expert managers.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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