Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-15 | Back to browse issues page

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Azam nezami N, Almasi P, Fathi A, Fathi S. The Effect of Parental Support on the Feeling of Socialization and Physical Activity of Students with the Mediating Role of Children's Perception of Parental Support. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-15
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7966-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran , nona_nezami@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (327 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is associated with extensive and numerous changes and increased vulnerability. Parents are the main factor of socialization at a young age and this influence continues in adolescence as well. However, close friends are another area for socialization during adolescence. The onset of puberty is usually associated with early or late mental maturity and high risk-taking, and it appears differently in boys and girls. This support includes concrete and specific goals expressed by parents and includes providing transportation conditions to places where the child can engage in various physical activity-related behaviors, including sports, team training, and playing with friends. The game is in the parks. This type of support can include direct involvement of parents in activities with children, including playing with each other and using family time for physical activity or in another way, including being a fan and supporter or as an observer. And it is accompanied during physical activity. Physical education is a process through which people and society transfer experiences and values from one generation to another. It enables them to contribute to development through skills, knowledge and positive attitude. It enables them to contribute to development through skills, knowledge, and a positive attitude. Sports and physical activities are important human endeavors that have many immediate and long-term health benefits. One of the important goals of physical education in schools is to encourage children to participate in physical activities and maintain them in an active lifestyle. Enjoying physical activity is a key factor in achieving this goal. Enjoyment of physical training is an important motivating factor for participating in sports and physical training or the desire and decision to continue it; As a result, it is a vital factor for survival in sports, which itself provides the basis for improving performance. This research was conducted with the aim of the effect of parental support on children's sense of socialization and physical activity with the mediating role of 9-11-year-old children's perception of parental support.
Methods: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of method. In order to collect information, standard physical activity questionnaires for children were used by Kowalski et al. (1997), the questionnaire of children's perception of parental support by Wilk et al. (2018) and the questionnaire of parents' support for physical activity by Beets et al. (2006). The statistical population of this research consists of "boys and girls aged 9 to 11 years of Tehran" and 130 people were selected as sample people using the Morgan Karjesi table. The validity of the questions in the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and experts. The reliability of the questions was also calculated with Cronbach's alpha test. The reliability of physical activity questionnaire for children was 0.86 through Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of children's perception of parental support through Cronbach's alpha was 0.73, and the reliability of parents' support of physical activity through Cronbach's alpha was 0.75. The sampling method in this research was a simple random sampling method. SPSS software version 24 and Smart Pls software version 2 were used for the statistical analysis of this research.
Results: In the current research, descriptive statistics methods were used, including mean, standard deviation, variance, and minimum and maximum scores. Regression analysis, coefficient of determination and Durbin-Watson test were used to check the correlation. In the present study, the VAF test was used. The correlation between parental support and children's sense of socialization is 0.632. Also, the coefficient of determination is 0.63, which shows that 0.63 of the changes in social changes can be explained. The correlation between children's perception and children's sense of socialization is 0.706. Also, the coefficient of determination is 0.70, which shows that 0.70 of the changes in children's perception variables can be explained. The results showed that parental support and children's perception have a 95% confidence level and a significant effect on the socialization of 9-11 years old children. The results of pls software showed that according to the regression coefficient of 0.428 and the critical ratio of 5.615, which is greater than 2.56, it can be said that the perception of parental support has a positive causal relationship with children's physical activity. and the feeling of socialization explains 6.8% of the variance of children's physical activity.
Conclusion: This research was conducted with the aim of the effect of parental support on children's sense of socialization and physical activity with the mediating role of children's perception of parental support. The results showed that at the 95% confidence level, the mediating effect of children's perception of parental support in the relationship between parental support and children's physical activity is not significant. The perception of parental support has a significant positive causal relationship with children's physical activity and explains the feeling of socialization of children's physical activity. This means that the more parents can provide the necessary conditions to facilitate children's participation in physical activity, the more children's physical activity will increase. Parents play an important role in influencing the attitude of teenagers to participate in sports activities .The result of this hypothesis showed that children's perception of parental support was not significant in the relationship between parental support and children's physical activity. In justifying the non-significance of this relationship, it can be argued that it is probably due to the fact that the participants in this research are children who are young and do not have a proper understanding of parental support. The lack of cultural appropriateness in some items of the questionnaires was one of the limitations of this research. In order to increase children's physical activity, parents are suggested to use encouraging models, including behavioral and material, as motivating factors for children in order to improve children's attitude towards physical activity. It is suggested that the education authorities, especially the vice-chancellor of physical education and health, make group sports and recreational programs mandatory for schools. It is suggested to investigate the impact of the perception of parental support on children's physical activity in the categories of single-parent and normal children.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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