Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: A-10-7250-2
Ethics code: IR.SSRC.REC.1402.072
Clinical trials code: 1234

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kobari A, zargar T. Designing a Qualitative Paradigm and Psychological Components in Dealing with Vandalism in Iranian Sports. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7947-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran , zargar_ta@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (303 Views)
Background & Aims: The general purpose of the current research was to design a disciplinary management model to deal with vandalism in Iranian sports. Nowadays, sports activities occupy a large part of the time and energy of every society and have found an important place in culture. Among the various sports activities that are performed all over the world, football is undoubtedly the most popular sport and has many participants among sports. Today, sports and its various aspects are considered as an important topic in various circles and as an efficient tool and a unique phenomenon in order to create a dynamic and lively society and solve many social, cultural and even economic and political crises, it has shown its many uses. The behaviors of sports fans are diverse and show the most extensive recreational and leisure activities in the society. These behaviors include buying tickets or sending messages about team performance or membership in sports packages, communication between a fan and his favorite team.
While more traditional forms of consumption are important for sports organizations, extreme fandom in sports in various forms including social superstitions, competitive behavior with family members, friends and competitors and creating a focus Fans are among them .Sports events are often associated with aggressive behavior from spectators. Therefore, fan aggression is a social problem that affects many sports clubs around the world. Violence during sports events is a widespread phenomenon, it causes various negative consequences such as damage to spectators and security personnel, reduction of public trust and destruction of equipment and places.
Therefore, one of the most important events in today's fan communities is vandalism. Fandom, as an important part of the football phenomenon in today's society, is also interpreted as a double coin with an ugly and beautiful reality, and its positive aspects are mixed with extremely valuable functions along with its negative approach and harmful side effects. And it is natural that one of the negative effects of the phenomenon of hooliganism and vandalism is among the spectators . Vandalism is one of the perversions of the new society, which is caused by rapid social changes, the growth of anomie and the ever-increasing desires of man and his failure to achieve these desires, and the feeling of alienation, injustice, anger and hatred that they have towards the community and their surroundings, which It is an expression of weakness and normative disorder in the cultural and social structure of the society. Vandalism is one of the crimes that have less legal and criminal penalties. Violation of norms, while causing public damage, indicates important and bigger problems for the future society . So that the researchers believe that "if destruction and other destructive methods become a positive value among the people of a society; It means to be considered smart; Because it is internalized and institutionalized, it is very difficult to change or destroy it. According to them, showing destructive and aggressive films in third world countries fuels this culture; So that these elements are transferred to the next generations and propagated among them." .In general, a behavior can be called vandalism that, while having the aspects of violence and destruction, has the following characteristics: "a) damage to things that belong to others and not the vandalizing person; b) damage to the public property of the people; c) In general, any damage that the other party must compensate for and the responsibility for the damage is on him. This may be due to the fact that the mentioned properties do not seem to have an owner, or belong to a person, or at least it is difficult to determine their ownership .On the other hand, with the professionalization and increasing excitement and sensitivity of sports competitions, the number of spectators has increased day by day, so that in some sports competitions, more than a hundred thousand fans show up in the stadium and if this presence If the crowd of spectators is not well managed and controlled, it can be the cause of many social anomalies, such as conflict and violence, breaking glass and bus seats, stadium and street lamps, attacking public places, damaging cars and property. The general public in the area of football stadiums should be followed by spectators. Meanwhile, the role of the police in police management and prevention of sports unrest is very important and determining that with proper management, it can prevent the occurrence of many sports aggressions; So that it is not possible to control social deviations without paying attention to the role of law enforcement officers. Therefore, due to the fact that football sports have violent spectators who do not shy away from their violent actions and movements in many cases.
Methods: This group of spectators sometimes throw objects at the athletes, coaches and referees, destroy the property and facilities of the stadiums and many belongings of the general public, start street riots and fight with other spectators and fans of the team. Rivals fight and do many other violent behaviors and actions. Sometimes the violence of spectators and fans of football teams is so serious and common that it leads to acute problems for the society. Due to the extent and popularity of football and its wider field than other sports activities, which involves the presence of a large number of spectators during the matches, this sport is faced with the violent behavior of fans and spectators among various sports activities. in such a way that currently in the western countries that own football, a special and almost organized type of violence known as hooliganism has formed, and in other countries, we occasionally witness the violent behavior of spectators in football matches. The current research was a qualitative research that used the thematic analysis approach.
Results: The statistical community of this research was formed by experts in sports sociology, managers and deputy security guards of selected stadiums, which includes about 7 people. The sampling method continued until the theoretical saturation was reached. After the interview, selective coding, central and open codes were extracted and then the qualitative paradigm of the research was presented. The findings showed that disciplinary management in dealing with vandalism in Iranian sports consisted of 85 codes and 4 categories (management and planning, security strategies, security infrastructure and extra-organizational interactions), 9 secondary concepts and 85 primary concepts, and the qualitative research paradigm was presented. became. In the quantitative part, the modeling of structural equations indicated that the fit of the tested model was favorable.
Conclusion: In order to update the security protection methods in the stadiums, knowledge-enhancing courses should be held for the security unit of the stadiums. In order to increase the manpower and benefit the specialized forces of the security forces of the stadiums, participate in international training courses.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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