Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 365-374 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadi Z, Didekhani H. Evaluation of Patients’ Satisfaction with Healthcare Services in Privet Hospital. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :365-374
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7883-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ali Abad Katool Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ali Abad Katool, Iran , h.didehkhani@gmail.com
Abstract:   (729 Views)
Background & Aims: There are different definitions of patient satisfaction provided by researchers. In general, the definition of patient satisfaction includes the patient's expectations and the excellence of health care and medical services (1). Various factors are involved in creating patient satisfaction, which include nursing care, medicine, support and various organizational departments (2). Information related to patient satisfaction can be used in many health-care facilities and designs and be effective in improving the quality of health care (1). The importance of patient satisfaction is that if this is achieved, the patient will establish a better and more appropriate relationship with the treatment team, and in this way, recovery will be accelerated. By building trust towards hospital personnel, the patient will be more cooperative in treatment procedures (3). According to the above content, it is clear that firstly, the level of patients' satisfaction with hospitals is very low compared to the rest of the world, and on the other hand, the conducted researches have considered other dimensions that are contrary to the dimensions of the present research. In the context of the subject, it has not been done in Gorgan hospitals, so in this study, we investigated the level of patients' satisfaction with the health and treatment services of Gorgan Philosophical Hospital in order to add a point to the existing information in this field in order to solve the existing deficiencies. For this purpose, a satisfaction questionnaire was completed by the patients and the obtained information was analyzed.
Methods: The current research is a descriptive-cross-sectional type that was conducted in 1401. For this purpose, from among the patients who were admitted in the departments of internal medicine and male surgery (Milad), neurology and psychology (Aghaz), CCU, general department (Pegah), internal medicine and female surgery (Shafaq) and maternity ward, available during a 173 patients were selected as samples. Then, the satisfaction level of referring patients was investigated using a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed by the professors of Golestan University of Medical Sciences. The questionnaire contained demographic information including age, gender, level of education and the department where the patient was admitted. Questionnaire topics include security with one question, reception with two questions, department secretary with one question, medical staff with 5 questions, nursing staff with 8 questions, nutrition with 5 questions, laboratory with 3 questions, pharmacy with one question, discharge and cashier with 4 questions, imaging with 3 questions and amenities with 13 questions.
Results: Out of 173 patients included in the study, 13 patients were excluded due to the incompleteness of the questionnaires and their lack of consent to participate in the study. A total of 160 patients were examined. The demographic information of the patients is presented in Table 1. According to the information obtained, the age of men was higher than the age of women, while the number of female participants was higher than that of men. The educational level of most of the participating patients (38%) was diploma and most of the patients (25%) from Milad department of the hospital participated in this study.
The frequency distribution of patients based on different health and treatment services provided in Philosophical Hospital is presented in Table 1. The most satisfied was with "doctors' encounter" where 129 people (80.62 percent) gave an excellent answer. The lowest level of satisfaction was "providing necessary training regarding the amount of tariffs and service insurance coverage" where 83 people (51.87%) gave an excellent answer. Of course, the lowest level of satisfaction was related to "how to provide ambulance services" that not all patients used this service. The most weak answer was related to the question of "providing necessary information for admission" and 7 people (4.37) gave this answer.
Conclusion: Based on the results, more than 50% of patients had an excellent opinion on all the services provided. In general, in the medical staff department with 5 services, on average, 73.25% of patients had an excellent opinion and 19.50% had a good opinion. In general, patients' satisfaction with the services of the nursing staff was slightly lower than that of the medical staff. The importance of satisfaction with nursing services is to the extent that it affects patients' satisfaction with the entire hospital services (6). In this regard, Aiken et al. (2018), in an extensive study on patients discharged from 161 British hospitals, point out the important role of the quality of nurses' work and the presence of the right number of professional and experienced nurses in patients' trust in nurses and doctors (7). In the nutrition department, on average, 63.22% of the patients gave an excellent response and 29.37% gave a good response to the service. The highest level of satisfaction was related to "time of food distribution" and the highest level of satisfaction was related to food quality. In the laboratory department, on average, 58.33% of patients gave an excellent response and 28.33% gave a good response to the service. In this department, the percentage of patients with no response was increasing. This result is worth considering. In the departments of pharmacy, discharge and fund, imaging and comfort facilities, the satisfaction of the patients gradually decreased, which should be noticed by the hospital officials. In the security department, reception and department secretary, the responses were mostly excellent and good. But the presence of 7 weak answers in "providing the necessary information at the time of admission" was significant and requires more cooperation of the admission staff. In this context, Moin et al. (2016) investigated the satisfaction of 400 patients with the emergency services in Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital, Tehran. The findings showed that 91.3% of patients had satisfactory satisfaction. The highest level of satisfaction was with the medical staff. The lowest level of satisfaction was reported in the received costs, the facilities of the emergency department compared to the comfort facilities and park clinic affairs. They stated that the status of health insurances, activating hospital staff, equipping comfort facilities and finding committed and experienced human resources were the things that needed more attention from the managers of the mentioned hospital (3). In our study, similar to the study of Moin et al., satisfaction with the medical staff (doctors and nurses) was more than other services. Overall, patient satisfaction is one of the factors that increase patients' loyalty to the hospital and its services. In this regard, Yousefi et al. (2017), in the study of the factors affecting the loyalty of patients to the hospital brand in the educational and therapeutic hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, named three factors affecting the increase of loyalty, which are patient satisfaction, trust and commitment. to the relationship in the hospital (14).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Community Medicine

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