Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: IR.IAU.AHVAZ.REC.1401.075
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Zargani J, Ghaseminezhad Dehkordi A, Shabaninia M, Alam Z. Compare and Identifying Causal Indicators of Physical Literacy during the Outbreak of Corona Virus in Rich and Low-Income Cities of the Country. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7786-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical education, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran , jawadzargani4@gmail.com
Abstract:   (733 Views)
Background & Aims: Physical activity is defined as a variety of purposeful activities and includes all types of body muscle movements that cause energy consumption and can be done with different goals, such as gaining physical fitness and health, or with other goals, for example, activities Everyday life is done (1). It is important to perform physical activity for the purpose of physical fitness; because it acknowledges the purposeful nature of exercise, which differentiates it from physical activity. It is difficult for researchers to measure the stages of exercise objectively, and they use the gross measurement of physical activity as an indirect indicator of exercise (1, 2). However, the increasing prevalence of sedentary lifestyles among children and youth is an international concern, responsible for increasing the risk of childhood overweight and obesity, hypertension, and mortality (3). In general, cross-sectional and interventional researches have shown that an active lifestyle and interventions based on different types of sports exercises have positive effects on health in healthy and sick people of all ages (1, 6-11). Performing physical activities such as basic activities in the form of games and sports plays an effective role in promoting physical fitness and health as well as appropriate growth of children (3, 12). Intrinsic physical literacy is a reliable factor that, despite it, the skills, knowledge and attitude of children and teenagers develop in various activities, and it causes balance and self-confidence in them to perform their activities (13). Physical activity plays a big role in the development of physical, physiological, educational, social and psychological functions in children and adolescents (14, 15). Active and regular participation in physical activity and sports during childhood and adolescence leads to an active lifestyle in the future and prevents the occurrence of diseases. In addition, children who have little physical activity often suffer from lack of movement (14). Descriptive research shows the low level of physical activity in Iranian students (16, 17); which can cause health related problems in these children. At the present time, the spread of the corona virus has caused the sports activities of students to decrease a lot, and since the life of living in the city and living in an apartment is also the reason; It can be predicted that in the future, if the current trend exists, there will be problems for students, at least in terms of physical health. And one of the important reasons is the lack of physical literacy and physical activity among students. Therefore, there may be such viruses in the future as well, and the existence of a pattern can be a way to avoid a crisis in similar situations and to be able to react appropriately in such situations, so not having a pattern can be similar to become another crisis and provide the ground for inactivity and diseases related to it. According to the mentioned materials, the aim of the present research was to compare and explain the contextual model of physical literacy during the outbreak of the Corona virus in rich and poor cities of the country.
Methods: This research was a qualitative-quantitative mixed type. The statistical population of this study was faculty members in the fields of sports management, development and motor learning and psychology. Sampling was done purposefully and was obtained with 14 theoretical saturation interviews. In a small part, the statistical population was sports teachers, whose criterion for entering the research was having a master's degree and work experience of at least five years, which were divided into two independent groups (rich cities and low-income cities). Therefore, the cities of Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan as rich cities and the cities of Zahedan, Yasuj and Birjand as low rich cities were studied. According to the Cochran's formula, a questionnaire of 305 people in a society with a population and 234 people in a low-income society were examined.
Results: The results of qualitative coding were 27 open codes, 8 central codes and 3 selective codes. The result of the hierarchical analysis showed that the cognitive capacity component was the most important factor and the age component was the least important factor for the development of physical literacy. Also, the independent t-test showed that there was a significant difference between all components in rich and poor cities, except for the component of hereditary factors.
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the most important component of physical literacy as one of the factors affecting children's health was cognitive capacity. It can be said that the eight existing components can improve or decrease physical literacy in students. The model in this research was obtained based on the opinions of elites during the outbreak of the Corona virus. Despite the fact that the spread of the Covid-19 virus has been contained to a great extent, but considering that contagious diseases may always exist, this research helps to use the results of this research in such situations. In general, it can be said that the contextual indicators related to physical literacy in developed cities have a more favorable situation than in less privileged cities, which indicates the role of the facilities and the level of development of the city on the development of physical literacy in students. It can affect the health level of children and teenagers. It seems that in case of lack of care and proper planning to promote physical literacy, the damage caused by the change in lifestyle caused by Covid-19 will be more in less privileged cities. According to the results, it is suggested that in order to promote physical literacy, especially in low-income cities, an educational program to promote physical literacy, as well as the tendency of students to perform physical activity and the necessary facilities for children's physical activities, in the view of officials and related organizations from the sentence of the Department of Sports and Education should be considered.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Epidemiology

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