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Ethics code: IR.SSRI.REC.1401.1808
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Department of Sports Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education, Khwarazmi University ,
Abstract:   (319 Views)
It is particularly important to maintain the structure and function of the brain during critical periods of development, and diabetes in early life may have negative effects on the brain. Physical activity during childhood has been effective on physical and cognitive characteristics from various aspects and causes the adjustment of the harmful effects of diabetes on the brain.  In the current study, we investigate the effects of combined exercise during developmental on cognitive and physical performance in adult male diabetic rats. Based on the research background in the relevant field, it appears that no studies have investigated the effect of combined exercise on cognitive and physical variables in pre-puberty diabetic children. Furthermore, functional and cognitive tests in three developmental periods, such as childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, can be used as a substitute for invasive research methods. In human samples, the examination of longitudinal studies faces many limitations, and the measurement of physiological variables in various diseases requires the exclusion of intervening factors and consideration of individual differences.
48 male rats were randomly assigned into one of 4 groups; combined exercise (T), diabetic combined exercise (DT), diabetic (D), and control (C). 3 times a week for 3 weeks, exercise groups performed endurance and strength exercises. 3 days before endurance training, rats were familiarized with running. Afterwards, an endurance capacity test was performed to determine the maximum running speed and training intensity. They did endurance training with an intensity of 40 to 60% of maximum speed (first week 14 m/min (26, 23 and 20 minutes), second week 15 m/min (36, 32 and 29 minutes) and third week 16 m/min (45, 42 and 39 minutes) practiced. One day after the training sessions and before dissection, the endurance capacity test was taken from the training groups. Strength training was performed three days a week too. First, 3 familiarization sessions without weights, then, in order to determine the maximum weight the animal can carry, the maximum carrying capacity test was performed. The weight of the rats was measured and in order to perform ladder resistance training, weights equal to 50, 75, 90, 100% of the body weight were carried by the animal in each repetition, and after the 100th weight, 7% of the body weight was added to the weight each time until The animal does not have the ability to climb the ladder after 3 attempts. The last weight carried was considered as the maximum carrying capacity (MCC). Rest between repetitions was 2 minutes. In the Morris water maze, according to the software protocol, after placing the animal on the metal platform, the animal was released randomly in four stages from four different directions and its movement was tracked, and after a 2-minute rest, it was recorded four more times. Each trial lasted 60s until the rat discovered the hidden platform or at most 60 s and then rested on it for 30 s. The spatial memory test (Prob test) was performed on the fourth day and the platform was removed from the maze. Each rat spent 60 seconds searching for the platform in the water maze, and the amount of time, distance and speed spent in the target area were examined. After three days of rest, a hidden platform was placed in the SW quadrant and each rat performed a test similar to the training sessions in order to evaluate long-term memory (2). 24 hours after the last training session, it was ensured that the animal was euthanized, and then the hippocampus was sampled.
 To compare research groups, analysis of variance with one-way ANOVA analysis of variance were used Tukey's test for post hoc tests. The significance level in the test was considered 0.05.
The results showed that blood glucose changes in the three growth periods in the diabetes group increased, and in the exercise diabetes group, there was a decrease, but these changes were not significant. The ratio of hippocampus weight to brain weight increased in the D group (p=0.1044), but it was not significant. The results of T groups (p=0.2787) and DT (p=0.3211) decreased compared to the C groups, which was not significant. In the present study, the endurance capacity of the T groups showed a significant increase compared to the DT group only in childhood (time (p=0.003), speed (0.0031) and distance (0.0118)); But in adolescence (time (0.2854), speed (p=0.3355) and distance (0.3948)) and adulthood (time (0.5845), speed (p=0.8077) and distance (0.5596)), were not remarkable. Also, the result of the MCC test of the T groups compared to the DT group showed that there was no significant increase in the two periods of childhood (0.5656), adolescence (p=0.8118) and adulthood (p=0.2313). By examining the cognitive test in diagram 4, it can be seen that there is a significant increase in the time and distance of movement in the target area in the prob test of the DT groups during adolescence (exercise (P=0.8540), DT (P=0.01). Also, the short time spent in the target area of the D group in the prob test indicates the weakness of the spatial cognition of the diabetic rats compared to the C group (0.0044). The results of the spatial memory test in adulthood show a similar increase in the time spent in the target area of all research groups, although no intragroup differences were observed and all groups had the same improvement in spatial memory, but DT group had a significant increase compared to the D group (T (0.9844), DT (0.0104), D (0.2424)). The long-term memory test in terms of time and distance is the opposite of the prob test, and the reduction of the time and distance covered in this test shows which period and research groups had a better long-term memory performance (Chart 4).
According to all the above cases and investigations, as well as the results of statistical analysis, we came to the conclusion that probably combined training during growth can prevent damage to the hippocampus tissue that occurs due to childhood diabetes in adulthood, and because the hippocampus plays a role in memory. It is very important for diabetics. By examining cognitive performance, spatial memory improvement was observed in training groups in three periods of growth, which continued until adulthood. The key point in the present study was the weight of the hippocampus of diabetic rats, which was reduced due to exercise, and the reduction of hippocampus weight in diabetic children is associated with improved cognitive performance. Also, combined exercise during growth is effective in maintaining the level of physical fitness of diabetic people; that the examination of two performance tests showed the improvement of performance in diabetic people who exercised, which is a significant result because with increasing age, the complications and catabolic effects of diabetes increase, and by doing exercise during growth, we were able to reduce these effects in adulthood. reduce. Also, combined training increased the physical fitness of the training groups from childhood to adulthood.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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