Volume 30, Issue 3 (5-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(3): 119-128 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است
Ethics code: R.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.059
Clinical trials code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است

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Mosaffa N, Abedi B, Saremi A. The Effect of A Period of Tabata Training in Water and Metformin Consumption on E-selectin and NF-κB in Obese Women with PCOS. RJMS 2023; 30 (3) :119-128
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7539-en.html
Professor, Department of Physical Education, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , abedi@iaumahallat.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1391 Views)
Background & Aims: Overweight and obesity are related to increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and some specific cancers. In recent years, inactivity, obesity and metabolic syndrome have been increasing in developing societies (2). Among various diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome is among the cases that are strongly related to obesity (3).
Studies in recent decades have shown that PCO syndrome can be a pro-inflammatory stage, because among them cardiovascular diseases, diabetes 2, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are seen with a high incidence (4). In the meantime, investigating and identifying the inflammatory causes of this condition for the above reasons can help specialists in its treatment with the process of reducing its negative effects through aerobic exercise. In this regard, the above research investigated some inflammatory factors such as E-selectin and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB).
To improve the physical condition of obese people, instead of medicine, sports activities, both anaerobic and aerobic, are used, and each of these activities affects the improvement of physical condition through different mechanisms (2). Researchers believe that regular and not heavy exercise is a healthy and natural method for patients with polycystic ovary syndrome apart from clinical treatments (18). Physical activity improves menstrual irregularity, ovulation, ovarian morphology and fertility by reducing abdominal fat, blood sugar, blood fat, reducing insulin resistance, affecting hormone secretion and reducing cardiovascular risk factors. Be (7). But the question is, what exercise? With what intensity? And for how long?
Treatment with all kinds of drugs may cause male characteristics, and unfortunately, most of the side effects are irreversible, so non-drug treatment strategies are necessary and need to be examined and studied. On the other hand, by reviewing the research done inside and outside the country, no research has been done on the effect of Tabata exercise on the research variables and even aerobic exercise on the research variables in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, so the purpose of this research is to determine The effect of a session of Tabata exercise in water and metformin on E-selectin and NF-κB in obese women with PCOS.
Methods: The current research was semi-experimental and applied with a pre-test-post-test research design. For this purpose, 30 women with a body mass index greater than 29.9 in Isfahan city, who were diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome by an endocrinologist or gynecologist and diagnostic tests and ultrasound, were considered as a statistical sample. They were selected and randomly divided into two experimental groups (metformin + exercise in water) and control. 24 Before starting the exercises, the subjects first completed the personal information questionnaire and blood was taken after 12 hours of overnight fasting to determine the level of the variables. Experimental group for 12 weeks, 3 sessions a week and each session 40 minutes of exercises in the water (including 10 minutes of walking forward, backward, sideways and soft running in the shallow part of the pool where the water level is below the neck and Then they performed stretching exercises. Then they performed Tabata exercise with a special exercise song played in the pool for 20 minutes, and then they did 10 minutes of stretching and cooling (22) and 500 mg metformin twice consumed during the day and after breakfast and dinner. 48 hours after the last training session, blood was taken again from all subjects. At the end, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), Shapiro-Wilk test to check the normality of data distribution and covariance analysis to check research hypotheses using spss/21 software at a significance level of a≤0.05 were used. became.
Results: The results showed that the E-selectin factor in obese women with PCOS at the end of the period in the group of Tabata exercise in water and metformin intake had a significant difference compared to the control group (P=0.001 and F=134.6). Tukey's post hoc test results It showed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test of the Tabata training group in water and the post-test of the Tabata training group in water on the one hand, and between the post-test of the Tabata training group in water and the pre-test and post-test of the control group on the other hand, but between the other groups. There is no significant difference. (Table 2).
The results showed that Tabata exercise in water and metformin consumption have a significant effect on NF-Κb factor in obese women with PCOS (P=0.025 and F=354.3). The results of Tukey's post hoc test showed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test of the Tabata group in water and the post-test of the Tabata group in water, but there is no significant difference between the other groups (Table 3).
Conclusion: The results showed that the E-selectin factor was significantly higher in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome at the end of the period in the aerobic exercise and metformin group than in the control group. The results of the follow-up test showed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test of the Tabata aerobic training group and the post-test of the Tabata aerobic training group on the one hand, and between the post-test of the Tabata aerobic training group and the pre-test and post-test of the control group on the other hand, but between the other There is no significant difference between the groups. Aerobic exercises decreased VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 adhesive molecules; While its effects on E-selectin and P-selectin have been inconsistent. Of course, it seems that the effect of aerobic exercise on these conditions depends on the type and duration of the exercise intervention and the disease conditions such as the presence of ischemia. As presented in this review, there is a high level of evidence that sports activity has a positive effect on key factors in the development of atherosclerosis. This can partly explain the scientifically proven anti-atherogenic effects of aerobic exercise and has significant clinical effects (23).
The results showed that the NF-Κb factor in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome was significantly lower in the aerobic exercise and metformin group at the end of the period than in the control group. The results of Tukey's post hoc test showed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test of the Tabata aerobic exercise group and the post-test of the Tabata aerobic exercise group, but there is no significant difference between the other groups. In the explanation above, it can be stated that NF-κb is stimulated and activated in response to cellular stimuli. So far, about 450 stimuli, including physical, chemical, physiological and oxidative stimuli, have been identified for NFκB. Also, mitogens, receptor ligands, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and their products, pro-inflammatory cytokines and some pathological conditions are among the stimuli of this transcription factor (28). The transcription factor NFκB is responsible for supplying a large number of pro-inflammatory genes, including cytokines, chemokines, immune receptors, enzymes and other pro-inflammatory molecules (29). Inappropriate activity of NFκB is one of the mechanisms of some diseases, especially those associated with inflammation (30).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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