Volume 30, Issue 3 (5-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(3): 91-107 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکترا می باشد و نویسندگان متعهد م
Ethics code: IR.IAU.AMOL.REC.1401.001
Clinical trials code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکترا می باشد و نویسندگان متعهد م

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PhD in Sports Management, Associate Professor, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Mazandaran of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran , m_dostipasha@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1405 Views)

Background & Aims: Today, sport is considered one of the most important human welfare needs. Exercise and physical activity as a main strategy in helping the goals of body and soul health and increase the level of activity of the immune system and prevention of various diseases, and creating mental and physical security in sports, highlights the issue of athletes' health. (1). One of the most important of these sports is football. Football is not just a sport and its situation has been undergoing growing and expanding changes due to economic, social, cultural, health and even political influences (2). Has created constructive competition (3). Accidents on sports fields are an integral part of sports events. Sports activities, even with the implementation of all reasonable precautions, will have a level of risk, and in addition to all the benefits of sports programs, there is a possibility of sports injuries (4). For this reason, having a specialist physician who is aware of sports injuries during sports injuries is a requirement when holding sports competitions. Also, this physician must have full access to the athlete's medical information in order to perform better (8). Electronic storage of athletes' medical information can improve the physician's treatment process and lead to many potential benefits such as scientific research, statistical records of diagnostic and treatment methods, reporting, and time and cost savings (11).
Weinstein et al. (2013) state in their research that when one of the players is injured, the treatment of injuries and disorders should be done by a doctor. The first step for the injured person is to diagnose and manage the injury by the doctor when the injury occurs. The second is the doctor's referral to the medical record and the initial treatment and transfer of the athlete to medical centers (12). Consonon et al. (2014) say that the importance of injury diagnosis is one of the essential factors for treatment and this is possible only with the presence of a physician at that time to prevent the destructive effects of injury. Time is the relationship between intermittent injuries and medical records (13). But Nordstrom (2014) is of the opinion that during the period of complete treatment and recovery, the primary care physician should be aware of the athlete's treatment process because it is possible to ignore some injuries and all this process should be recorded in the sports medicine file. (14). According to Peterson (2020), the assessment of sports injuries should be done by a sports medicine specialist. A high percentage of sports experts believe that having a sports doctor in stadiums and having a sports medicine file is a necessity for holding a match. It is a sport and shows the attention of sports officials to the health of players (15).
In order to achieve the desired success, sports organizations must not only think about meeting the material needs of their athletes, but also prioritize their expectations about physical health after sporting events, and to meet such expectations as a necessity for Athletes' loyalty look. (16). Aman et al. (2018) in their research pointed out that doing sports, both at the amateur and professional levels, has a high risk of injury. They also showed that the probability of lower limb injuries in rugby and football is the highest. Has; Therefore, the presence of a physician at the time of the race is very important and vital to accelerate treatment (17). Gritch (2019) concluded in his research that amateur athletes strongly advocated the use of sports medical services to protect themselves from potential injuries (18); Also, other researchers such as Mirza Kooshaki et al. (2017) in their research entitled Developing Health Development Strategies with the Approach to Physical and Sports Activities concluded that public knowledge through the media, support for workplaces in sports, and encouraging physicians To prescribe sports activities, provide facilities to sports investors, observe sports standards of schools and universities, develop monitoring and counseling centers for citizens' health, employ sports experts in urban and rural health centers and houses, determine the role of each Government agencies in the field of sports, determining the share of sports from the financial credit of the health system transformation plan, urban design with a healthy city approach, preventing the orientation of sports management from financial credits, preventing the orientation of sports management of government agencies to championship and professional sports, The formation of the Deputy Minister of Health in the Ministry of Sports and the use of information and monitoring system were among the health development strategies with the approach of physical activity and sports (19).
Methods: In the present study, the paradigm of qualitative research has been used. One of the reasons for the need for qualitative research is that qualitative methods can provide more detailed details of phenomena that are difficult to present in quantitative ways. مختلف Among the various qualitative methods, the network of themes method has been used. Answering the first and second research questions related to determining the indicators and effective factors on the health of football players with a sustainable development approach and explaining the relevant model and to achieve this research goal tried to use a qualitative research method of descriptive exploratory type. The present study is a qualitative descriptive-exploratory study. The sampling method is non-random, targeted and available. Data collection in 1399-1400 and the method of data collection was semi-structured interview. The statistical population is all experts of sports managers and health managers (physicians and medical staff) of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Semi-structured interviews with the question "What do you think are the health indicators of football players with a sustainable development approach?" The beginning and the rest of the questions were based on the answers of the interviewees. After interviewing 12 people in the field of physical education and sports medicine, the researcher felt that he had reached a theoretical similarity, but to be more sure, he continued the interviews up to 15 people, but what was said after 14 people was completely repetitive, and at the same time the interview And the basic themes are over.
Results: After reviewing the interviews and removing similar codes; 113 codes were collected, which indicates the position of the health of football players with a sustainable development approach. These concepts were presented under three general topics: basic, organizing and comprehensive. Some of these topics include the coordination of sports federations with the Health Organization, the establishment and expansion of sports medical centers, the use of medical and sports specialists in sports clubs, determining the role of each One of the parts of sports medicine in providing services, forming the deputy of health in the Ministry of Sports, using the information and monitoring community system in the field of health, health development strategies, creating health networks in all parts of the country's football sport, creating upstream documents such as plan Health transformation, creating a document for the prevention of non-communicable diseases at all levels of football players, establishing organizations in the field of sports health at all levels of football in the country.
Conclusion: The fact that the country's sports authorities pay the necessary attention to the health of athletes is a necessity for sustainable development and this issue should create a close relationship between medical staff and athletes.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Medicine

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