Research code: 1544800539478351399162300661
Ethics code: IR.IAU.QOM.REC.1399.058
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.QOM.REC.1399.058
Payame Noor University ,
Abstract: (1672 Views)
Background & Aims: Many studies on the management of spouses' emotions emphasize the quality of their future interactions. One of the most inefficient ways to manage emotions in the family is triangulation, which reduces self-differentiation and increases excitability and fusion. Since the relationship between these variables has not been studied in a structural model, the aim of this study was to develop a structural pattern of triangulation in the family and the tendency to extramarital relationships through differentiation mediation.
Extramarital relationships are one of the most important factors threatening the performance, stability and continuity of marital relationships (2). A review of research background in the field of extramarital affairs shows that most previous studies in this field have focused on two general areas: The first area of research have been focused on the definitions and types of relationships, identifying related variables such as gender differences, Age and education (8), religious beliefs, cultural differences, duration of the main relationship, level of sexual satisfaction (9) and etc. The second area of research has studied the application and effectiveness of various therapies in the treatment of harm caused by extramarital affairs in the relationship between spouses (10). Recent research often addresses the question of whether a person's management of anxiety and emotions as a factor in the development of extramarital affairs (11).
One of the inefficient ways to manage negative emotions in the relationship between spouses is triangulation. Triangulation is the entry of a third person into a conflicting binary relationship to help stabilize the system. The emergence of triangulation in the family increases the level of integration of the individual with the system and decreases individuality, which in fact refers to the same concept of Bowen differentiation as the ability to regulate one's emotions and balance between individuality and integrity (14). A review of the research literature shows that although differentiation grows from the very first years of life based on the performance of the main family, but its level is not constant throughout life and is variable based on life events (17). A review of the research literature shows that for the first time Multrap (1990) has proposed a connection between concepts from Bowen's intergenerational theory and extramarital affairs. He stated that individual differentiation has an important connection with breach of contract. Considering the expansion of mass media and developments in the family system in recent decades, changing premarital relationships, increasing the relationship between the sexes, changing the style of marital relationships and values, the importance of stability and durability of marriage and prevention of important factors involved in The collapse of the family system is very important and necessary.
Therefore, the study of effective predictors of extramarital affairs, which according to studies, is one of the most important factors in divorce and damage to the family system, requires special attention. Since the relationship between variables has not been studied in the form of a structural model, so this study intends to examine the direct and indirect effects of variables in the tendency to extramarital relationships in the form of a model. In this regard, the researcher is looking for the question whether self-differentiation has a mediating role in the relationship of triangulation in the family and extramarital relationships?
Methods: The present study was a basic research and in terms of research method was correlational and using structural equation modeling design. The target population was married people in Tehran in 1999 and 349 of them were selected by available sampling to participate in the study. The research method was that the assessment packages entitled (research on family injuries) were distributed among about 400 married people in two areas of Tehran and all those who wished to participate in the research were asked to complete the packages. Inclusion criteria were, being married and at least 20 years old. The criterion for leaving the study was not completing all the tests package. Thus, 349 packages that were complete were used in the research. Also, in this study, all ethical issues, including informed consent, voluntary and harmless participation, answering questions via the researcher's email and providing the results if desired, were considered. Since in this study we were looking to examine the complex relationships between variables, structural equation modeling (using LISREL 8.80 software), correlation test between variables and bootstrap test were used. The structural equation model method examines the pattern in two stages, which include the measurement pattern and the structural test. The measurement model evaluates the validity and reliability of measurement tools and research structures, and the structural model measures the relationships of latent variables.
Results: Given that structural equation modeling is a statistical method based on matrix-covariance, so before evaluating the measurement model and structural model, important assumptions for structural equation modeling include the normality of univariate and multivariate and the absence of multiple alignments was examined. The default absence of multiple alignment was investigated by checking the correlation matrix between the obvious variables. Examination of this matrix indicates that there is no multiple alignment between them. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the measurement model and the structural model using the maximum likelihood estimation method. The measurement model identifies the relationship between visible variables and latent variables. Evaluation of this model is done using confirmatory factor analysis. The fit indices of the measurement model show the optimal fit of this model. Thus, visible variables have the ability to operate latent variables. Evaluation of the hypothetical model of the research showed that the hypothetical model fits with the measurement model (CFI = 0.96, IFI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0.077). The results showed that triangulation indirectly affects extramarital relationships through self-differentiation. The results also showed that triangulation is not directly related to extramarital relationships (0.07) and self-differentiation has a mediating role in the relationship between triangulation and extramarital relationships.
Conclusion: Triangulation in the family leads to low levels of differentiation in individuals, is likely to lead to extramarital affairs. The way a person manages his emotions during conflicts and stress in a relationship is an important factor in maintaining balance in the relationship and the continuity of his marriage. Triangulation in the family, followed by low levels of differentiation in individuals, is likely to lead to extramarital affairs. Further research is needed to improve the quality of marital relationships and emotion management with the necessary training and to prevent extramarital affairs.
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry