Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 249-258 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.080
Clinical trials code: 1

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Abolghasemi Hedashi F, Esmaeili M R. Develop a structural model for middle-aged leisure to promote their general health. RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :249-258
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6979-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management,Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. , Dr.m.esmaeili@gmail.com
Abstract:   (585 Views)
Background & Aims: Today, no phenomenon is as important as mental health for employees, therefore, planning to provide mental health of employees helps the psycho-social health of employees on the one hand and the goals of industrial development and better production on the other hand. To do the concept of mental health includes an inner feeling of well-being and self-efficacy, self-reliance, competitive capacity, intergenerational dependence, and self-fulfillment of potential intellectual and emotional abilities, etc. One of the components of health is mental health, and based on the available findings, mental disorders are one of the most important components of the overall burden of diseases it is predicted that by 2020, the share of mental disorders will be about 50% of the overall burden of diseases. Because hospital employees are directly and closely related to all levels of society, their responsibility towards people's health and life has doubled. Job problems and hard working conditions are the underlying factors of mental disorders. On the other hand, nowadays, the progress of science and following industry and technology have caused many changes in human life. The movement of mechanization of societies, with all the services it has given to humanity, has followed the problems of mobility poverty. A person involved in the life of a machine, after free time from work, has time to engage in activities to relieve fatigue and relax, such as watching TV, art, sports, entertainment travel, etc., according to his interests and possibilities. In the meantime, exercise is one of the activities that can be performed at a lower cost and with more benefits compared to other programs. Sports are important in all life stages of people, but since the foundation of physical and mental training is laid at a young age, more importance should be attached to sports during this period. In addition to the fact that sports allow young people to have suitable entertainment to spend their free time, it has a great effect on ensuring their physical and mental health. Many of the adverse effects of social, economic, family status, here, ty, and the like can be reduced or even eliminated by using sports. In terms of mental health and the development of cognitive skills, a person becomes emotionally drained by engaging in sports activities. In the sense that some of the negative emotions, contradictions, ns, and internal conflicts of the person are externalized the psychological roles are eliminated and the emergence of an anti-social personality is prevented. One of the important times to engage in sports is leisure time. Your free time can be considered a part of organizing your daily life. Free time is influenced by the things we do during the day, we,ek and year. The importance of leisure activities has made it more important to pay attention to the improvement of people's sports leisure time, especially in some sensitive groups, including the middle-aged. The importance of physical activity in free time is so great that much research has been done in this field and contradictory results have been obtained. Considering the above contents and the importance of spending leisure time due to the spectacular growth of the middle-aged population in the demographic pyramid of the country, the lack of research on the effect of physical activity during leisure time on the general health of middle-aged people, providing a promotion model for middle-aged men and women in Iran. By emphasizing sports activities, it is of special importance; therefore, the current research was done to develop a structural model for middle-aged people to spend their free time improving their general health, by emphasizing sports activities.
Methods: To conduct qualitative-quantitative mixed research, 14 people were selected from among all the experts (university professors and researchers) in the qualitative part, and 384 people were selected from middle-aged people in the quantitative part. The data collection tool in this research included a semi-structured interview and a researcher-made questionnaire containing 54 questions. To analyze the data of this research, coding was used in the qualitative part using the Grand Theory method and in the quantitative part, the structural equation method was used. All data analysis process of this research was done in SPSS and PLS software.
Results: The results of the research showed that the causal conditions have a significant effect on the main phenomenon at the rate of 0.624. The results of the research showed that the main phenomenon has a significant effect on strategies at the rate of 0.226. The results of the research showed that background conditions have a significant effect on strategies at the rate of 0.273. The results of the research showed that the intervening conditions have a significant effect on the strategies at the rate of 0.559. The results of the research showed that the strategies have a significant effect on the results at the rate of 0.843.
Conclusion: To develop leisure time in middle-aged men and women in Iran, with an emphasis on sports activities, the identified strategies should be implemented in Iran. According to the results of the present research, it is suggested to help the growth and promotion of the general health of middle-aged people by creating special spaces for sports activities for middle-aged people and holding local festivals of sports leisure activities for middle-aged people. Also, researchers and future studies are suggested to investigate the current and desirable situation of middle-aged sports leisure time and the pathology of elderly sports leisure time in Iran in the form of mixed studies.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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