Volume 27, Issue 5 (7-2020)                   RJMS 2020, 27(5): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است
Ethics code: متعهد مي شويم تا قبل از چاپ مقاله كد اخلاق درج گردد
Clinical trials code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است

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Islamic Azad University , shahramalam@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3033 Views)
Background: The development of health among different sections of society is the main concern of researchers in today's world. In this regard, it is one of the useful ways to develop the health of sports and physical activity. So that physical activity causes psychological and social development of young people and the elderly, personal growth and development. Finally, those who exercise have a higher quality of life than non-athletes, and through exercise, knowledge of nutrition, exercise and health can be developed. For this reason, over the years, the role of exercise and physical activity in society has become increasingly important not only for the individual but also for public health. What is vital and very important in this regard is the issue of continuing physical activity and exercise, because maintaining health benefits requires continuous participation in physical activity and sports. In this regard, research has shown that regular physical activity and exercise provide numerous health benefits. However, the benefits of physical activity and exercise are not achieved by cross-sectional, occasional, and sporadic presence, although having minimal physical activity is better than no physical activity at all. To this end, physical activity guidelines recently recommend regular and continuous participation in physical activity. However, in all parts of the world, a large number of people in the community have not yet taken the impact of physical activity and sports seriously. For this reason, different countries are trying to adopt solutions to combat inactivity, as well as to encourage people to participate regularly and continuously in physical activity and sports and to gain health, vitality and vitality. One of these approaches is public sports or sports for all, which tries to create equal opportunities for people with any cultural, racial, economic, gender or other differences to participate in cheap and fun sports activities. Public sport is necessarily a philosophy, a message to motivate citizens to participate in sports and ultimately health. The tendency of people towards public sports and its positive effect on the physical and mental health of managers and officials leads them to study methods that increase the number of participants in public sports. Certainly, the coherent view of these groups will lead to progress in this regard; As these perspectives differ, the lack of coordination between the perspectives challenges the planning work for the development of grassroots sports. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate between policy makers and planners in each country.
Methods: The present study is a descriptive-correlational study that was conducted with the structural equation model approach. The statistical population of this study included 354 people including the Director General of Sports and Youth of Khuzestan Province, Deputy Chiefs of Staff of the General Directorate, Deputy of Women Affairs of the General Directorate, Heads of Sports Departments of the General Directorate, Sports Experts of the General Directorate, Heads of Sports Boards, Vice Chairman of Sports Boards, Secretaries of Sports Boards And sports management experts in Khuzestan province. According to Schumacher and Lumex, for structural modeling equation studies, the minimum sample size is 200 to 600 people. Given that there were no questionnaires or standard scales for measuring research variables, the researcher reviewed the sources and documents and articles related to the research topic; Also, asking for opinions from professors, experts and managers of physical education and sports in the country, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared, which included 56 questions and a five-point Likert scale. This questionnaire consisted of two main parts: personal information and managerial background. After analyzing the questions of the researcher-made questionnaire using tests of degree of difficulty, discrimination coefficient and loop method, we used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to determine the validity of this questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (frequency, frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation), skewness and elongation test were used to evaluate the normality of the data and the measurement model was used to evaluate each of the factors affecting the development of public sports to promote health as inferential statistics. All analyzes were performed at 95% confidence level using SPSS 19 and AMOS 22 software.
Results: The results of the present study showed that the managerial factor with a factor load of 0.743, the resource factor with a factor load of 0.761, the behavioral factor with a factor load of 0.716 and the environmental factor with a factor load of 0.785 have effect on health development.  In addition, the hypothetical model of research on health development in Khuzestan province with a public sports approach has a favorable fit. The results of the research showed that the environmental factor of public sports was the most important factor in the development of health in Khuzestan province, followed by resource, managerial and behavioral factors, respectively. Each factor or variable in institutionalizing an action or behavior has three functions: regulatory, normative, and cognitive functions. Regulatory factors seem to be an important and fundamental behavior in the early stages of institutionalization. Because public sports in the country is at the beginning of its path and is not so developed, it requires more structure and framework for expansion and development. Therefore, environmental factors can cause the structuring and framing of public sports and ultimately institutionalize health and vitality in society, because it seems that the regulatory function of environmental factors is greater than other functions.
Conclusion: In general, the results of this study show that public sports is one of the factors affecting the level of health in Khuzestan province and public sports is also affected by managerial factors with managerial, resource, behavioral and environmental subscales. The role of behavioral factors in institutionalizing health behavior in public sports is very important and fundamental, because these factors provide the ground for acceptance and continuation of physical activity and sports behavior in individuals. However, a set of behavioral factors were ranked last in the factors affecting the institutionalization of health through public sports in Khuzestan province. Perhaps the reason is that the functioning and effectiveness of behavioral factors depend on the good performance of other factors, and until other factors do not work well, these factors can not have a good performance and impact, therefore, in terms of respondents are in the last place. Such a priority seems logical since public sports are in the early stages of formation and growth and requires focusing on other factors, especially environmental factors to shape and frame public sports in society. This is because the proper functioning of the set of environmental factors may results in structuring and framing of the public sports. In addition, resource and managerial factors play an important role in promoting and properly guiding environmental factors. It is possible that the respondents are of the opinion that first public sports will find a special place, structure and system in Khuzestan province and then its institutionalization in the existence of each individual in the society will be on the agenda. This framework can institutionalize public sports as an activity. Facilitate a body that promotes health and vitality in the existence of each individual in the society.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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