Volume 13, Issue 52 (9-2006)                   RJMS 2006, 13(52): 59-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (8559 Views)

    Background & Aim: Since studies on the efficacy and necessity of prescribing antibiotics in the cases of preterm premature rupture of membrane has not reached a unanimous conclusion, this study was performed to determine whether antibiotic administration prolongs the latency period and improve maternal and neonatal outcome after preterm premature rupture of membranes(PPROM). Patients & Methods: A total number of 80 women with PPROM enrolled in a randomized clinical trial. Treatment group received 2 gr of intravenous ampicillin every 6 hour and oral erythromycin 400 mg every 6 h for 2 days and then oral amoxicillin 500 mg every 8 h and erythromycin with the same dose every 8 hour for 5 days. Controls did not receive any antibiotics. Both groups received a similar protocol of corticosteriod therapy. Results: Mean latency period in treatment group was significantly longer than no treatment group(P=0.00). Upgar score of neonates was not significant in two groups(P=0.35). There was no difference in the number of patients developing chorioaminionitis in cases and controls(P=0.6). No significant difference was found in birth weight of neonates in two groups. Conclusion: Antibiotic therapy prolongs latency period and would be of value in reducing neonatal complication caused by prematurity.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Gynecology

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