Volume 12, Issue 49 (3-2006)                   RJMS 2006, 12(49): 129-136 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (7015 Views)

    Background & Aim: NO(Nitric Oxide) is a lipophilic molecule which acts as a cytotoxic and mediator in the body. Also, NO has a role in cellular defense and its high concentration causes inhibition of growth and death of microorganisms such as fungi. This experimental study was designed to search the antidermatophilic effects of NO donors and their probable interactions with terbinafin. Material & Method: The method used in this study was determination of MIC(Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) in microdilution broth as per NCCLS(National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards) recommendations. Results: The results showed that inhibitory and cidal effects of NO donor complex on dermatophytes are significant. In comparison with terbinafin, its potency is very low and fungicidal effects of both are dependent on their concentration. The zoophilic and geophilic species are more sensitive to either terbinafin or DETA/NO(Diethylen triamine nitrite) than antropophilic ones. The interaction between DETA/NO and terbinafin for microsporom canis, microsporom gypseum, and trichophyton mentagropytes(non-antropophilic species) is because 14 is antagonist. As a result of short half-life of DEA/NO(Diethyl amine nitrite), no effects were observable in this study. Conclusion: Considering the obtained results and the literature, it seems that topical usage of NO donor complexes can be a useful treatment for dermatophitic infections.

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Type of Study: Research |

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