Volume 11, Issue 42 (12-2004)                   RJMS 2004, 11(42): 629-635 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (9564 Views)
Poisoning is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in most countries. One of the most prevalent causes of poisoning is drug. Children with 1-5 years of age, youth with 12-30 and elderlies beyond 50 years are the most frequent age groups in poisoning. The aim of this study was to evaluate drug poisoning in Boo-Ali and Nimeh-Shaban Hospitals, which are poisoning centers in Sari. Existing data method was used to investigate the problems of drug poisoning in Sari. A total number of 194 acute drug poisoning cases in these hospitals were studied from 19th March 2000 to 20th March 2002. Results indicated that 65% of poisoned persons were adults and 35% were children. BDZ and TCA were the most prevalent drugs that induced poisoning to 25.5%. Non-drug poisoning was 28.4 % of total cases (e.g. opioids, hydrocarbons, chemical materials and so on). Data was compared in terms of sex, age of poisoned patients, type and agent of poisoning. This comparison indicated that the number of drug poisoning in females was generally greater than that of males,which was with the goal of committing suicide. Family quarrels, spiritual tensions, marriage troubles, unemployment, corruption, addiction of parents and lack of knowledge were the main problems causing intentional poisoning. Poisoning in children indicated lack of parental supervision. Public education, necessary prescription, hard or uneasy accessibility to drugs, suitable price and increase in knowledge concerning their side effects and replacement of drugs with high side effects with low ones have important roles in preventing accidental poisoning, specially in children. Changing prescription patterns with a shift from higher toxic tricyclic antidepressants to less toxic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is also recommended.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pharmacology

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