Volume 12, Issue 45 (6-2005)                   RJMS 2005, 12(45): 97-106 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (9053 Views)

Preparation conditions and platelet storage for transfusion may cause platelet activation, which contributes to decreased ability of stored platelet to function and survive in vivo after transfusion compared with that seen with freshly prepared platelets. Using flowcytometry, we investigated platelet membrane expression of CD62P, CD63 in platelet stored for up to 3 days under standard blood banking conditions. Leukocyte reduction of platelet before transfusion is a routine procedure in many blood transfusion centers to prevent leukocyte side-effects. Twenty-four platelet units prepared by platelet-rich plasma were processed by in-line leukdepletion using an LRP10SE-Pall filter. The filtered and unfiltered platelet concentrates were compared during storage for CD62P, CD63 markers and pH. During storage for up to 3 days, leukdepleted platelet units displayed no significant pH difference in comparison with routine platelet preparation (P>0.05). During storage for up to 3 days (1, 3 days) leukdepleted platelet units displayed a decrease in the CD62P and CD63 expressions as compared with routine platelet preparation (P<0.05). There has been concern that filtration of platelet concentrates might activate platelets through direct contact with the filter. On the other hand, prestorage filtration removal of leukocyte might actually decrease platelet activation and preserve platelet function. This data has shown no platelet activation after filtration and measurement of CD62P and CD63 expressions moreover, these markers can act as a useful in vitro mean to determine the quality of platelet components. In fact, the present research aimed at studying the effect of prestorage filtration on platelet activation in platelet concentrates.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: hematology

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