Volume 7, Issue 21 (12-2000)                   RJMS 2000, 7(21): 220-222 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (14718 Views)


 Legal surgical pregnancy terminations are commonly performed in Iran. Lidocaine is used widely for cervical anesthesia during suction curettage . Lidocaine carries the potential risk of side effects and toxicity if over – dosed. The aim of this study was to compare lidocaine and saline for cervical anesthesia to blunt the reported pain during curettage. For this purpose a double – blind randomized clinical trial was conducted on 85 women presenting for legal pregnancy termination procedure.Participants received either paracervical submucosal injections of 1% lidocaine (n=44) or saline (n=41) just before cervical dilation. Anxiety level or all subjects about the procedure was assessed by using of Anxiety Self – evaluation Questionnaire. Self – roported pain intensity was assessed after dilation and 30 minutes after procedure. Eighty–five eligible women presenting for legal pregnancy termination procedure participated in the study. No statistically significant differences were found between lidocaine and saline subjects on prior pregnancies, abortions, and level of anxiety about the procedures. Pain intensity ratings in lidocaine and saline treatment subjects did not differ significantly at any point. Furthermore, of those women receiving lidocaine, toxicity symptoms were not reported. To minimize lidocaine side effects and toxicity for a curettage procedure, saline could be considered for the paracervical injection solution. The local anesthesia mechanism of saline may be distention rather than blockage of specific autonomic nerves when there is no waiting period.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Gynecology

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