Volume 22, Issue 136 (10-2015)                   RJMS 2015, 22(136): 87-97 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (9401 Views)

Background: phototherapy is broadly used for treatment  ichter, therefore phototherapy and its side effects are important, platelet depletion can to bleeding and serious complication, so it is necessary to study carefully the phototherapy effect on platelet level.

Methods: this research is an Descriptive-cross sectional and prospective study in Shahid Rajaee Hospital, Tonekabon, during 2013-2014.The number of infants investigated are 100ichteric neonate , Before start of phototherapy, the infants’ platelets were measured by a counter, however the neonates with less than 150000mm3 platelets were eliminated. after Phototherapy was done, the number of platelets is checked. The infants, who needed blood exchange, sepsis, ABO-Rh incompatibility and other sorts of illnesses, were eliminated.

information was recorded in checklist, they analysed by spss18 statistically.

Results: This study showed that among 100infants understudied, 61of them ranged platelet reduction after phototherapy, that 9neonates in this group showed the platelet level less than 150000.the average platelet levels before phototherapy was 233400with S.D 55621.19and the average of platelet levels after phototherapy was 228420with S.D 167083.27.there wasn’t a significant relation between platelet levels before phototherapy and after it.this reduction revealed a significant relation toward the amount of platelet among term infants whom their platelet levels were 250000-300000 before phototherapy, which related to phototherapy duration, weight, total bilirubin, gestational age and phototherapy intense.

Conclusion: phototherapy cause the platelet level reduction, although the platelet reduction was in Normal range.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Neonatology

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