Volume 8, Issue 27 (3-2002)                   RJMS 2002, 8(27): 515-521 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (8614 Views)
INTRODUCING TWO CASES OF FACTITIOUS DISORDER WITH SAME PULMONARY PRESENTATION ABSTRACT Organic presentation is the main complain in psychiatric disorders which represent in different features, symptoms like shortness of breath and chronic cough are common when patient complication of pulmonary problems. One of the psychiatric disorder which presents with organic problems is factitious disorder. In this disorder patient complain about some organic dysfunctions that are voluntary but unconsciously. Patient tries to deceive the physician and his or her relatives without any obvious and recognazible to assume the sick role.In this article we introduce two cases with chief complaint of hemoptysis that we found production of this physical sign was intentional and the motivation for the behavior is to assume the sickrole. The diagnosis of these two patients was factitious disorder with prodominantly physical signs and symptoms.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pulmonary Disease

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