Volume 21, Issue 118 (4-2014)                   RJMS 2014, 21(118): 22-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Islamic Azad University, Mahabad
Abstract:   (5973 Views)

  Background: The present study was conducted to assess the effect of aqueous extract of Teucrium polium on 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) in young athletes after one bout of graded aerobic exercise.

  Methods : Twenty four physical education students (aged 22.58±1.94 years weight 75.80±7.71 kg BMI 23.86 ± 1.61) in a randomized double-blind design were allocated into two supplement (n=12) & placebo (n=12) groups. Those in the supplement group received 125 gr/day/kg of aqueous extract one week before the exercise protocol.. Then, all subjects of both groups underwent graded aerobic exercise one day after supplementation. Blood samples were collected from the anticubital vein at: prior to supplementation, pre-exercise, immediately after exercise and 24 hr post exercise , and 8-iso-PGF2α levels were measured. Data was analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA at α ≤ 0.05.

  Results: The results showed that concentration of 8-iso-PGF2α, as lipid peroxidation indices, significantly increased immediately and 24 hr post exercise in both groups (p>0.05). However, concentration of this biomarker significantly increased 24 hr post exercise in placebo versus supplement group (p=0.001).

  Conclusions: In general we can say that the extract of Teucrium polium, as antioxidant supplement, may have favorable effect on plasma and cellular membrane lipid peroxidation, and it can be used to prevent of damaging effects free radicals.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Physiotherapy

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