Volume 9, Issue 30 (12-2002)                   RJMS 2002, 9(30): 389-397 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (12682 Views)
ABSTRACT Hepatotoxicity is a severe side effect of antituberculosis therapy.In litrature review approximatly10-20% of adults treated with the antituberculosis agents,elevated serum aminotransferase and 1% at them develop to hepatitis.The aim of this study is determination of hepatotoxicity predisposing factor after lung antituberculosis therapy.In this Case-control study,32 person who addmited for hepatotoxicity after lung antitbuerculosis therapy campare to 64 person who treated with antituberculosis but no hepatotoxicity about symptoms & sings & initial paraclinic test.There are a significant differentiation between mean of age in case & control groups. (P=0.04) hepatitis B is a predisposing factor of hepatotoxicity in the patient receive antituberculosis. (OR=6.1, P=0.04) accuracy, senstivity & specificity of logistic regression model to predict probability antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity with the predicator variable of ESR, HB is 69.5%, 48.1% & 90.9% this indicators for model to predication of death probability in antituberculosis induced hepatitis according to SGPT (in initial of diagnosis) & ESR is 85.7%, 71.4% & 90.5%. Predication of antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity would assist physisions in its prevention. Considering high specificity of these models, they have a good performance in prediction of unaffected cases with hepatotoxicity & death events.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Internal Medicine

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