Volume 20, Issue 110 (8-2013)                   RJMS 2013, 20(110): 22-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (7979 Views)

Background: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections in children and its prevalence follows respiratory tract infections. Considering the importance of education to promote preventive behavior of urinary tract infections this study determined the effectiveness of educational interventions based on Health Belief Model (HBM) to promote preventive behaviors of urinary tract infection in mothers who had children less than 6 years.


Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental study. The sample size was 60 mothers who had children less than 6 years. The mothers were randomly divided into two groups (30) case and (30) control. Data  collection tool was self-designed questionnaire based on the Health Belief Model.


A questionnaire was developed according to Health Belief Model components. It was completed twice, once before education and the other 1 month after training of the mothers. After the pre-test an educational intervention was performed in 4 training sessions over 4 weeks for case group. Finally, data were collected and analyzed by SPSS software using independent and paired t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis.


Results: The results of the study showed that there are significant relationship between two groups in terms of perceived severity (p=0.001), perceived benefits (p=0.001), self efficacy (p= 0.002) and treatment (p= 0.002) after the intervention.


Conclusions: According to the findings of the research the intervention has importance in preventive behaviors of urinary tract infection in mothers. And also intervention based on  the Health Belief Model led to improved scores in perceived benefits, perceived severity and mothers self-efficacy.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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