Volume 20, Issue 107 (5-2013)                   RJMS 2013, 20(107): 73-77 | Back to browse issues page

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Ganjineye Salamat Research Center
Abstract:   (7396 Views)

  Background: Blood glucose controlling is a major issue in diabetes management. Many fluctuations in blood glucose level make the close controlling of glucose by physicians as one of the most important principles in diabetic patients managing.

  Methods : The case was a 58 y/o man with a history of 14 years old diabetes under insulin therapy. After informed consult and description about using the device the instrument was given to him. The patient used the device 30 times in a week and we all received SMS of the recorded blood glucose information. For constructing the device first, printed circuit board (PCB) was designed and then electronic components (such as mobile board, micro controller and glucometer) and CNC work on the place were marked on the PCB. The installation and application were stored within the micro controller by a programmer.

  After pushing a button the needle of glucometer enters the skin. Data was sent through GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) by a SIM card to the physician and 5 relatives of patients and also was shown on a LED monitor implanted on electronic board.

  Conclusions: This new device helps physicians to control patients’ glucose closely without any admitting and extra cost. Also using this device will decrease the rate of complicated hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic attacks.

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Type of Study: case report | Subject: General Surgery

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