Volume 19, Issue 104 (2-2013)                   RJMS 2013, 19(104): 43-59 | Back to browse issues page

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Jahani G R, Entezami K, Haydari H, Abkar A, Mollasaeidi Z. The effect of intensive activity and regular exercise with carbohydrate ingestion on cell-mediated immunity. RJMS 2013; 19 (104) :43-59
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2388-en.html
Abhar branch, Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (8016 Views)

Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate “the effect of intensive activity and regular exercise with carbohydrate ingestion on cortizol, lymphocyte, monocyte, white blood cell, fast blood suger, CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD4 to CD8 ratio, cell-mediated immunity”.


Methods: This semi experimental, cross sectional and double blind study performed to investigate the responses of cell-mediated immunity after 12 weeks intensive activity and regular exercises. 39 sedentaryand healthy studentswith same-life style, were selected .They did not use cigarette, alcohol, supplementary and they had not infection diseases. Students selected randomly and then divided into three groups: Glucose and train (TG) 23±2.1years, 73±8.2 Kg, 179±4.7Cmand with 22±2.5 BMI.


 Train (T), 23.5±1.8 years, 71.7±7.8 Kg, 176.4±3.6 Cmand 22±1.9 BMI. Control (C) 23.7±1.1 years, 72.4±6.6 Kg, 174.8±3.5 Cmand 22±2 BMI, they did endurance and speed train for 12 weeks. TG group drank 2cc/Kg, glucose5% monohydrate & water solution, in the middle of their train session. T group drank 150 – 200 ml water. Bloods sample were withdrawn from antecubital vein after 14±2/hr fasting and evaluated before, immediately and after 48/hr of train. As well as cellular determined by immunology assay. For analyze in between groups ,one way ANOVA with significan used from modify method of green house-ghezer (GG), level      , were used.


Results: There were not any differences in T, TG and C group before 12 weeks exercise. The amounts of cortizol in TG & T groups significantly increased after exercise, but there was a lower increase in TG group. Results was significantly decreased after 48/hrs of train in before and after train parameters. The FBS in TG and T groups had not any differences but in TG group / T group results was significantly lower, after 48 hours. There was not any diffrences in amount of LYM after train but after 48/hrs, it significantly increased in TG group. The amount of WBC increased in after train but significantly decreased after 48/hr in TG group. The CD4 significantly increased after train in TG group, and CD3 significantly increased after train and after 48/hrs in TG group. Monocytes, ratio CD4/CD8 and CD8 amount had not any differences in TG and T groups.


Conclusion: This research showed that intensive activity and regular exercise with cabohydrat digestion induced increase some of immune cells and cellular defence against infection disease that caused from intensive exercises. Another finding of this investigation indicates that drinking a CHO solution during exercise, improves performance. This study has practical implications for those sports and drinking CHO solution during activity. Carbohydrates as a factor can increase security against infection disease risk in recovery time and after intensive exercise.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Physiology

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