Volume 10, Issue 37 (3-2004)                   RJMS 2004, 10(37): 727-733 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (9484 Views)
It has been suggested that prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation may induce immune alteration which may facilitate the development of cancer. However, over the past decades some scientists have reported that low-dose of ionizing radiation is not only a harmless agent but often is benefical. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of occupational exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation on immune system. The studied population consisted of 48 healthy radiographers exposed to annual dose of x-rays below the maximum permissible occupational limit(MPOL 50 mSv/year) and 18 healthy unexposed individuals similar in age, gender and job grade. Total number of WBC, lymphocytes, lymphocyte subsets(CD19, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16-56) HLA-DR, CD4/CD8 ratio, platelet and concentration of IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, C4 were measured. The investigation was carried out by flow cytometry for lymphocyte subsets and immunoturbidimetry for immunoglubolin and complements. Although the number of CD8 and CD4/CD8 ratio decreased and increased respectively with increase in age, no influence of the radiation on the immunological parameters in peripheral blood was found. This study showed that ionizing radiation received by radiographers (at least in very low-dose range) does not affect the immune system.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Immunology

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