Volume 5, Issue 1 (Autumn 1998 1998)                   RJMS 1998, 5(1): 63-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (7639 Views)

This study was carried out with the purpose of the evaluation of anthropometric indicators in children under 6 years from the west part of Tehran. The survey method was a descriptive cross sectional study and the sampling method was random strata cluster.

The anthropometric data of 890 children under 6 years were recorded in questionnaire and analizid with EPls and SPSS soft ware programs.

The survied indicators included. Weight for age, Height for age (Stunting) and weight for height (wasting) in all children under 6 years and chest / head circumference in children under 2 years of ages.

The rate of lack in weight for age was 13% in boys and 11.1% in girls.

The rate of lack in weight for height (W/H) was 11% in qoys and 12.1% in girls, and the rate of lack in height for age (stunting) was 17.6% in boys and 9.8% in girls. The rate of chest/head circumference in children under 2 years indicated an average lack of 31.3% from 7 to 24 months.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Nutrition Sciences

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