Volume 7, Issue 19 (6-2000)                   RJMS 2000, 7(19): 5-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (9129 Views)

·Cerebral hemorrhage· is a term used for extravasated blood in the cranium that leads to neurological disorders. Seizure is one of these disorders. This study assesses the rate of seizure among patients who were brought to Bahonar Hospital for cerebral hemorrhage and whose diagnosis were confirmed by computed tomography scanning. Patients who experienced seizures in the first week following trauma and the spontaneous cases were considered. In other words, early seizures were studied. The results show that the rate of seizure is 5.5% which is not significant for age, sex, location of hemorrhage, cause of bleeding and size of hemetome:

Rate of seizure has significant relationship with decreased level on conciousness (p

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Neurology

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